Reflections: The Refuge Within Collection

It all started last August when I was inspired to explore the concept of Wisdom during a masterclass on Mindful Psychology. Studying wisdom and how it correlates with my art was an opportunity to dig deeper and grow, as an artist and as an individual. I typically explore an emotion that was felt during a difficult time, reflecting on it then translating it into my art - going from dark to light, beginning to end. This time, it was the reverse. I had the end before the beginning, light before dark. Many questions were left unanswered for months. Where do I begin? How do I get to wisdom? I was experiencing an artistic block. My excitement was turning into worry that I couldn’t do it. Then, it dawned on me. Wisdom wasn’t a beginning or an end, dark or light.

Wisdom was the process - the process of turning anxiety and worry into reflections of calm and inner peace.

I dove deeper into my mindfulness practice and turned to my tried-and-true habits on managing stress. Walking my dog, Skia, was a good start. There’s something powerful about what a little bit of fresh air and a walk can do for your soul. Clearing your mind and taking in your surroundings help untangle the internal knots that form from your worries. You begin to embrace uncertainty and be okay with not having all of the answers. My quiet dog walks in the sparkling, snow-covered parks in my neighborhood inspired the calming winter color palette of the collection and the introduction of a new signature style of ensoscapes.

Life is often about finding calm in the chaos. We go through endless ups and downs. We yearn to be better and at peace. Yet, we’re regularly thrown off balance and feel like we’re in over our heads. How do you protect your peace then? How do you ground yourself when strong emotions overwhelm you? You start within. A little soul searching. Looking inward, facing your emotions and taking care of them gives you insight and a better understanding of who you are. You practise mindfulness when you sit with the discomfort of what you’re feeling, reflecting on why you’re reacting so deeply. Understanding the reason “why” brings awareness. When you’re aware, you see things exactly for what they are. There’s no distraction, only clarity on how to move forward.

But what if you feel helpless and paralyzed? How do you move past the paralysis? You focus on the task at hand - literally, what you’re doing right now - and you use your breath to find your center. Deep breaths are easy mindfulness check-ins. They bring you back to your awareness, and awareness brings clarity. Giving yourself space to feel, to observe your thoughts with curiosity and kindness as you carry on with your day, you discover little epiphanies in your routine. What was once an immense blur transforms into moments of clarity. Your reflections help you gain perspective, your tolerance for the unknown increases and it becomes easier to let go of the things you can’t control. 

Mindfulness evolves into wisdom. Wisdom becomes the lens through which you view life.

Wisdom is about connecting with your experiences, what you already know, and reevaluating. It’s how you build your internal fortress, tapping into the lessons you learned to strengthen your mind, body and soul. It teaches you to trust and to rely on yourself in the most difficult times. You can retrieve into your internal abode, a place of nourishment to deepen your roots and look at a situation from an unbiased standpoint, a safe space that’s protected from outside chaos. Wisdom trains you to be responsive rather than be reactive.

In my process of putting this collection together, my inner world was challenged. What started as the stress of an artistic block evolved into a deep sense of helplessness when global headlines became more and more worrisome. I often found myself stuck, paralyzed with anxiety, unable to process all that I was feeling. Painting was a way to cope. This collection was mostly created in silence as I worked through my strong emotions, digging deep into my own mindfulness and wisdom to find stability and inner peace. The enso circle authentically mirrors my refuge within. Fleeting organic details show the turbulences and hardships we encounter. It represents life and human nature. The gold that peeks through the enso stands for clarity, epiphanies, moments understood.

The Refuge Within Collection is a result of how to cultivate wisdom through mindfulness. It explores how to find strength to carry on peacefully. It’s my response to war instead of my reaction - I choose to seek peace rather than to fuel violence. It’s my way of supporting you to discover the hidden gem deep inside of you - your refuge within.

The Refuge Within Collection is now available. Click the button below to access it.


Stillness in the Wild: An Enso Study